How to Complete a Registration for the Lottery for Your Child
The Charter Schools of Excellence™ are open to any student residing in the Tri-County area who would otherwise qualify to attend a traditional elementary school in the county they reside in. Enrollment for The Charter Schools of Excellence is by an independent lottery system.
We are now enrolling students in K-5 for the 2017-18 school year. Your child must be five years of age by September 1 of the current school year in order to enroll in kindergarten.
Click here to register for the lottery at The Charter Schools of Excellence™ Fort Lauderdale Campus
Click here to register for the lottery at The Charter Schools of Excellence™ Davie Campus.

What is the Lotterease Seal of Transparency and Fairness?
When you see the Seal on a school website, you can be confident that your application will be included in the school lottery in a fair and transparent way.
That is because Lotterease is an independent automated lottery system that the school uses to manage their lottery and waitlist. Since Lotterease is an independent system, the school staff do not have the ability to manipulate or adjust the lottery outcome. They must work within the requirements of the system.
In addition, all activity that takes place with your application is tracked in a history log that you can view at any time by logging into the parent portal.
If the school you want your child to attend displays the Lotterease Seal of Transparency and Fairness, you can rest assured that you child will get their fair chance to attend the school.